Mobile watermakers

Mobile applications of watermakers
Mobile applications of watermakers
Aportable mobile watermaker can be used for several applications. For example, in an emergency where clean drinking water is needed but where the infrastructure makes it impossible to move large watermakers.
Mobile watermakers can also be used when drinking water is only temporarily needed, such as during works when no drinking water is available yet and pipes still must be laid.
An important advantage of these systems is that after use, maintenance and preparation for new use can be done in the workshop.
Mobile watermakers on board
A mobile watermaker is also an option for use on boats. An important advantage over a permanently installed watermaker is that there are hardly any installation costs. After a trip around the Atlantic, for example, the watermaker can easily be taken off the boat, preserved and stored or sold.
We also offer the possibility to rent a Rainman watermaker. Ask us about the conditions.
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